Date - 06/09/2021
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Testers can be like orchids: hard to cultivate. Any little thing can disturb them and hurt the testing process. It takes very little to bully a typical tester— especially the younger ones— and many managers do that accidentally. Or maybe you don’t have dedicated testers on your team (some Agilists say testing is everyone’s job). That’s an even more challenging situation because any responsibility that belongs to “everyone” tends to fade into the background, valued by no one.
This talk is about how program managers, product managers, and project managers can create a nurturing and energizing environment to get the most out of testing. Here are some key points:
– Understand why testing is gated and conditioned by emotions.
– Learn the five kinds of testability.
– Make cognitive bias work for you instead of against you.
– Consider making an explicit commitment to support testers.
About our speaker: Last month, James Bach celebrated 34 years in the testing industry. He’s the creator of Rapid Software Testing methodology and is the author of Lessons Learned in Software Testing and Secrets of a Buccaneer-Scholar: Self-Education and the Pursuit of Passion.